Saving & Loading Levels!

I'm back with another update for The Switcher! I've been having plenty of fun playing and rating games for the third Brackeys Game Jam, but since I can't update Blowhole until next weekend, I've been working on this update. :)

After making your level, press "Save" to open a dialog box. Type in what you want the name of your level to be (eg. "Boxes") and it will be saved in the "The Switcher Windows" folder in the "The Switcher_Data" section. Pressing "Load" and typing the name of the level will load the level. Let me know if you find any bugs. Plus, make sure to share your level file in the Community section. I'd love to play it and possibly add it to the game!

Anyway, see ya!


The Switcher 22 MB
Feb 29, 2020

Get The Switcher

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